Thing #2 Avatar

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thing #4

Commenting on someones blog and sometimes your own blog is important because there really isn't any point to having a public journal if you don't know if someone is even reading it. If there are people reading it, it is important for them to be engaged so you can acquire feedback on the blog. You want people to read your thoughts and ideas, process them, and form their own opinions about the topics. Once they post their comment, it may possess others to want to chime in and leave a comment of their own, fostering discussion amongst your readers. When reading the "10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog" post, I liked how he said to comment on the comments of your viewers. I too think it would be important to show your viewers that no only do you appreciate them taking the time to read your post and leave a comment, but you are also interested in their feedback and what they have to say. By you commenting, you may encourage them to comment more often. Also on this blog, the post said to regulate the comment box on your page. Although conversation is encouraged, I do feel it is important to not let the comments get out of hand. I would not want my blog to be known for its hostility.

When making comments on other blogs I tried to comment on posts that were interesting to me. For instance, there was someone who blogged about having difficulty navigated a certain site and seeing as I did as well, I let them know that. I also tried to comment on pictures or an idea that really stuck out to me. It is important to comment on the work of others to give encouragement and feedback. 

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