Thing #2 Avatar

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thing #1

When watching the presentation on lifelong learning, I thought the easiest for me would be habit 6. Habit 6 stated to use technology to your advantage. I thought this habit would be easy because I already use a substantial amount of technology in my everyday life. Using technology would help me to commit many of the things that I learn to memory because I am so used to using it. The habit I thought would be most difficult for me would be habit 3. Habit 3 stated to view problems as challenges. I think this habit would be difficult for anyone to commit to because in most cases, individuals are more likely to become stressed and frustrated when faced with problems. I don't see turning a problem into a challenge as being beneficial to me because honestly, I see the two as being the same thing.

I found that setting up the blog was fairly easy. I didn't run into any problems with this task. I though creating the avatar was a really cute idea. I don't think my avatar looks that much like me but I tried to make her as similar as I could. Secretly, I have always wanted to start my own blog so I was really excited to use blogger, even if was for class.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that technology does help to your advantage. When your working in a classroom with kids. I think it will help tremendous with the learning!
