Thing #2 Avatar

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thing #18

It is important for educators to understand how social networking works because it can be vital tool in the classroom. Missing out on social networking can cause you to miss out on opportunities to make the learning process richer for your students. Also, many students are a part of these social networking sites and as an educator, you want to be familiar with what your students are using in their daily lives. Although when I first signed up for Facebook, I really enjoyed it, I find now I'm not nearly obsessed with it as I used to be. I keep mine around just to check in with people and since so many people I know are on it, it seems worth while to not delete it. However, I feel twitter is better. Probably because it's newer to me. I like how you can see small tweets on twitter about your friends without having to filter through access "junk" on their profile. I think twitter would be better for the classroom because it is easier to follow people based on topics or key words. Twitter allows you to follow ideas and concepts and not only people.

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