Thing #2 Avatar

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thing #11

When I was going through the feed tools, I found the ones easiest to use were the Google Blog Search and Technorati. I was pleased with the way each of the sites was laid out, especially the Google Blog Search. The layout of that site was very familiar because it was basically identical to Google, which I use on a regular basis. I typed in food as my keyword (because clearly I'm always hungry) and came across really well laid out websites that made me even hungrier than I already was. My least favorite would have to have been I found it to be the most confusing out of all of the options and I was not at all pleased with the layout. I felt like everything was jumbled together and it was hard for me to easily decipher what was what. Because of this, it made me not want to use it at all. After looking at as much food as I could stomach for the morning, I decided to use Google Blog Search to search elementary teaching. I came across a blog called "Teaching is Elementary" where a woman blogs about her journey as an elementary school teacher. I actually subscribed to follow her because I felt her blog may be a good tool for me in the future. I didn't come across any odd teaching blogs, but I'm saying that's a good thing.

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